Terms and conditions
Terms of service:
This agreement is concluded between www.florexshop.lv representative - ,,Flower base Florex’’ Ltd. Company (hereinafter referred to as the Seller) and the Buyer (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer), relationship between Seller and Buyer is regulated by this distant agreement and legal acts of the Republic of Latvia.
1. Order is processed by the person, who makes a purchase on the webshop florexshop.lv (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) and the www.florexshop.lv representative, that is, Seller. The processing of the order on the website www.florexshop.lv is equal to buy-sell agreement signing (distant agreement).
1.1 How to make an order
Orders are accepted 24 hours a day and Seller carries out order processing on the shop working time: Monday-Saturday: 7:00-18:00; Sunday: 7:00-14:00, invoices are sent on Buyers stated e-mail address. Buyer is making an order on the website, adding item to the virtual basket (card). Order is processed, when Buyer choose function Confirm order. Seller sends Buyer automatic invoice for made order on stated e-mail address. Buyer is responsible for his order made correctly.
1.2 Order processing
Order is verified and takes place in charge from the moment, when certain price for the purchased item on the www.florexshop.lv is received on Seller`s bank account.
2. Price and product payments
Product prices on the webshop www.florexshop.lv are shown in Euro currency. All the prices are shown with 21% VAT (Value-Added Tax). product price is in charge, if product is avalaible in stock (warehouse), which is indicated by sign ,,Add to the basket.’’ Buyer pays for the items, according to the invoice, which is billed by the seller. Seller keep rights to cancel order and invoice, if payment for certain service is not received on Seller`s bank account or if does not does not submit a document, that confirms payment (payment reference), which can be sent on Seller`s e-mail address: info@florexshop.lv. Payment for the items can be made with different options, that are described on Seller`s web address www.florexshop.lv.
3. Terms of delivery
Saler provides delivery in the borders of Riga and it`s neighbourhood.
Minimal order is 40 EUR.
Delivery time is approximate and can change due to certain conditions, that is, heavy traffic, weather conditions, and the workload of florists.
If You want to make a delivery order on holidays, for example, on February 14th, March 8th or on Mother`s Day, as well as for some popular name days, please, do it in advance of 2 days. Delivery order times on these dates can differ from those that expressed above.
For further information about product delivery please visit Seller`s home page www.florexshop.lv section Delivery.
4.Product return
Buyer has a right to return product back to ,,Ziedu Baze Florex’’ SIA. in a time of 14 days starting from the product receivement date, without giving any explanation about the reason of refusal.
According to the Cabinet Regulations Nr. 255 on Terms of Distance contracts from 20 of May of 2014, the return of the goods does not apply to cut flowers, flower bouquets, flower compositions and houseplants.
For further information about product return and order of dispute and complaint resolvement, please visit Seller`s home page www.florexshop.lv section Product return.
5.Confidentiality and other terms
Seller is using Buyer`s data in amount, which is necessary only to the extent of Buyer`s order processing.
We process Buyer`s data according to the legal acts of the Republic of Latvia and European Parlament and Council Regulation 2016/679 (27 of April of 2016) about private person protection concerning processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, which cancels certain requirements of Directive 95/46/EK (General data protection regulation).
6. Other terms
It`s strictly forbidden to copy, publish, reproduce, spread, translate or to use in any other kind information and materials (texts, images and other) from the website www.florexshop.lv without ,,Flower base Florex’’ Ltd. written permission. If written permission is received, it is mandatory to note reference to www.florexshop.lv with used material.