Available today
Bouquets of roses
Bouquet of red roses.
The number of roses in a bouquet: 101 pcs.
Rose length: 60 cm.
Photos of floral goods are illustrative because flowers are seasonal plants and may not be available in some periods of the year. For reason mentioned above, we cannot guarantee the exact flowers shown in the photograph. If necessary, the flowers will be replaced by the flowers available in the store at the florist's professional discretion. The bouquet of flowers will be made maintaining style and color range of the bouquet you selected. For clarification whether exact flowers shown in the photo is available, please contact us by calling +37120121227
Photos of floral goods are illustrative because flowers are seasonal plants and may not be available in some periods of the year. For reason mentioned above, we cannot guarantee the exact flowers shown in the photograph. If necessary, the flowers will be replaced by the flowers available in the store at the florist's professional discretion. The bouquet of flowers will be made maintaining style and color range of the bouquet you selected. For clarification whether exact flowers shown in the photo is available, please contact us by calling +37120121227
- Category: Bouquets of roses